Thursday 1 May 2008

The Fruit Market

After enquiring in a florists about floral foam (the green foam used to make flower arrangements) I was told to visit the fruit market. I plan to use the foam as the second material for the unfinished animal bin Im making. On my first visit to the market I was too late. All the shops were shut so I had to return another day. It was still an interesting place, with lots of packaging and unsold fruit left out to rot. I left and went to another florists who was good enough to give me some floral foam to experiment on. I discovered that it was very easy to carve and it stuck together well with super glue, even being carveable between seams. Also, when I kneaded the off cuts, the started to look like moss. So perhaps I can make it look as if the bin is made from moss and wood chips.

The next day I returned to the fruit market early where I was able to buy large bricks of floral foam from a very helpful guy at a shop called S.F.P.C.

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